How to correct your swing plane when it’s off – Brian Mogg

Posted by | Full Swing | 69 Comments
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  • February 03, 2014

In this video, Brian Mogg gives you some quick fixes for when your swing plane is off. To expand the video, click the 2nd to last button  in the video, at the bottom right.

The reason your swing plane gets off in the first place, however, is because your sequence of fundamentals pushed it off. Each point in the swing affects the next and the errors become compounded by the time you get to the downswing and whether you are on plane or not.

If the tips in this video are not enough to get your swing plane right, then clearly, you need to go back to the fundamentals like Brian has all of his students, including the best in the world.

“Brian has really helped me add to my game with more shots I can hit and a better understanding of how I can build my fundamentals strong. This lets me be free to play as natural as possible with my game on Tour.”
Skip Kendall 
Winner 2012 Web.Com Tour Pacifica Rubiales Championship

Swing Plane Fixes by Brian Mogg


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