Success playing under pressure starts with grip pressure

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  • January 16, 2014


I’ve only played in one US Open (beating Tiger Woods) but I still remember my opening tee shot at Shinnecock Hills, more nervous than I’d ever been and actually thinking “what if I whiff in the Open”. Fortunately I did hit a good drive and training kicked in that let my swing just happen. For those that nervous at Merion this week, remember to breathe and always select a very focused target so that this has your full attention

There is grip pressure in a regular event and then there is grip pressure in an Open. Facing the slickest conditions and greens, its truly amazing how much faster the greens are at an Open versus a regular Tour event. Thus, your grip pressure with the putter has to be extremely light and soft, you need to feel the head weight during your stroke to get the necessary touch to navigate those greens

Growing up in Seattle made for playing in the rain on a regular basis. As the guys deal with the wet conditions this week, its mandatory to keep your grips dry at all times. This should always be the biggest concern in the rain with the grips and ball staying dry

Playing “within yourself” will be something that the winner will talk about Sunday night. Creating good tempo, not overswinging, avoiding shots that aren’t natural strength, taking a bogey from time to time while avoiding a higher score are all areas that the winner will end up doing well on. The patience that this requires is what Open Championships are all about and what we willl hear about on Sunday eveningBrian-Mogg


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